Eat Clean Food

Small changes make a huge difference! Learn what it means to eat clean.

Drink Clean-Crafted Wine

Enjoy life! Learn about clean-crafted wine.

Weight Loss

Keto Diet focused on low carb and low sugar diet for weight loss. It works!

Eat clean food.

Drink clean-crafted wine.

Enjoy every minute of life!


When my husband got out of the military and we moved to Texas, I was working full time, raising two kids, and he traveled every week for work. I was stressed and didn't have time to worry about myself. I had to keep my family going. I ate too much, drank too much, and didn't find enough time to workout. I was tired! It was a vicious cycle!

Then I decided to start finding time for me. I started working out more, eating right and drinking less. I finally found the right balance of how to eat clean, drink clean, and lose weight!

My goal is to share my experience and what I have learned along the way to help you achieve a well balanced lifestyle. Learn how to change your life in 3 months and return to a happy healthy more fulfilled life!

eat clean drink clean

Start today!

Download my free 5 Day Detox Plan to reset your metabolism and lose weight. Start your happy healthy more fulfilled life, today!